Collection: Buonricordo

Buonricordo was founded in 1964 and is an Italian food culture association with over 50 years of history.
Its philosophy is to preserve and spread Italian traditional cuisine (Cucina Tradizionale) and culture, and to spread the inherent joy of "eating" to the world.
At a time when fast food and fusion cuisine with different cultures are becoming popular, these prestigious restaurants from each region have stubbornly and sincerely preserved traditional cuisine that is rooted in the land and culture.
Northern Italy, Central Italy, Southern Italy, the seaside, the mountains, the scattered islands - the various "cuisine" that strongly reflects the characteristics and history of each region, and is vividly different in color and aroma, is truly a culmination of the culture of each region.

Signature Dish Piatti del Buon Ricordo
One of the distinctive features of the Buonricordo Consortium is the original plates that are given as a gift only to those who dine at a Buonricordo restaurant.
In Italy, each restaurant creates its own original plates and gives them as gifts to customers; this has been so successful that it has excited the collector's spirit among people and the number of plates owned has become a status symbol for one's gourmet status.